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Convenience versus Conservation - A Conversation

Each day is a series of decisions. From the moment you wake up to the time your bombarded mind lays to rest for the night. The western world lives life at a voracious pace. Catch a cup of coffee between two meetings, make dinner for your family after work, change the diaper on your child. As our society becomes more advanced and its members have the luxury to continue to specialize, convenience has become a matter of utmost importance to a lot of people. There exist families who only use paper and plastic products in their kitchen because it’s faster. It’s easier. It’s more comfortable. Sustainability is the idea of wisely using the resources we have to provide for ourselves while also doing what we can to guarantee that future generations will also have what they need to live comfortable lives. Unfortunately, that is not an important idea to a lot of people. As an idealistic romantic, I had expected Germans to be more conscientious. I walked by a café near my apartment every morni...

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